6 Pitfalls of Setting Goals

Have you set yourself up for success? 


When people are setting goals, they are many times unsuccessful in achieving them.  There can be a lot of reasons for this but a consistent theme that comes up is actually how the goals themselves are derived or established.


Let’s review 6 of the most common mistakes people make when setting goals.


1.     The goal is unrealistic: Setting goals which are unrealistic can be demotivating and lead to abandonment of the goal. It’s important to set goals that are challenging but achievable.


2.     Focusing solely on the end result: While it’s important to have a clear outcome in mind, focusing only on the end result can make it difficult to stay motivated and see progress.  Shifting focus to the steps which need to be completed to achieve the goal is a critical element.


3.     Setting a goal that is not specific or measurable: Goals that are vague can make it hard to determine progress and when an actual goal is achieved.  By making goals specific, measurable and timebound, progress can be tracked, and adjustments made if needed.


4.     The no plan plan: Your goal may be specific, measurable and timebound but if you haven’t drafted a plan on how to attain it, it can be very hard to know where to start or what steps to take.  The purpose of developing a plan is to break goals down into actionable steps.


5.     Not being a little flexible:  While it’s essential to maintain focus when you’re committed to achieving a goal, it is also important to realize that circumstances can change. By being too rigid in your plan you can become frustrated or be overcome with a sense of failure and quit.


6.     No accountability partner:  Holding yourself accountable to doing the things you say you’re going to do can be difficult, especially if you’re newer to goal setting.  Having someone (or a group of people) to help keep you on track can be immensely helpful and motivating.


While this is not an exhaustive list of common mistakes that people make when they set their goals, it is a great place to start to learn what not to do 😊


If you have questions about goal setting or how to create them in the Habitual Growth mobile application, feel free to reach out at info@habitualgrowth.com.


Stand tall. Commit to Habitual Growth.


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